Sunday, 27 May 2018

Naked Dave

Rick: Dave where is your collar?
Dave: I'm not wearing it anymore. I like to be naked.
Rick: You are always naked but you do look silly without it.
Dave: I am not naked when I have my collar on.
Rick: I can see your balls Dave. I can always see your balls.
Dave: Now I'm naked EVERYONE can see my balls.
Rick: Trust me, everyone has already seen them.
Dave: Jealous?

Friday, 11 May 2018

Alien Invaders. Only Dave stands between an alien fleet, crewed by tiny invisible aliens, and the Earth. Fortunately he has the situation in hand.
No aliens survived.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Dave: no, I won't look at the camera. I don't want my mates to recognise me with this stupid poodle cut.
Rick: I don't like to be the one to break it to you Dave, but you are a poodle. Also, I think your tiny jockey fell off somewhere in the park.
Dave: I'm not laughing.